Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's Been Too Long...

since I've posted! It's been so busy in the Fennell household! And I've been working at the High School for over a month now. They just told me the girl I've been subbing for will be returning Monday-so this is my last week there. I'm kind of sad about it-I'll miss the kids....they are so sweet (even if they have taken advantage of me-haha!) I really enjoyed it and hope that i get to return soon. We've had great weather too-so the kiddos have been outside a ton-riding bikes and playing with their friends. Can't wait for the nice weather to stay! I am sick of the mud for sure!
I've been busy playing with some Sass Lass I've been hoarding for a while. I covered an album and made a couple of layouts. I just love their papers! So fun and colorful--maybe it's spring fever too...

I'll be back soon with more goodies to share! Thanks for stopping by!
xoxo Cari

Image Map


Vanessa said...

I love the 'ugly cake' layout! What a wonderful memory this will be for years to come!

Ania said...

*sigh* you do fabby layer-stuff!! :D Miss you!!! Soo busy - hopefully will be able to slow down some soon and get back to more bloghopping & stuff!! Hope life is treating you well!! *hugs* :)

phamil said...

LOVE that album!!! You are just totally creative! I've been looking at that line and just can't think of what to do with it!!! You could scrap with flour and sugar bags and make it look good!!!

Linda B said...

oooh love the album!

Janinek said...

Love what you have done with that Album cover. Was it one of those American Craft Albums?

milkcan said...

That binder is *amazing*! I love it!

Sasha Farina said...

how do you get so many textures.. amazing works!!

Jeni Boisvert said...

Gorgeous Cari! Way to work the Sass! ;)

domestic goddess said...

oh wow hun, lovethe magic you have worked on the sassafrass!!
I am with you on work, just started working as a TA for a special needs school and i have so little time to do stuff!!

Nina said...

Oh I love that album!!